Chlorine is element 17 on the periodic table and exists as a chloride ion (Cl-) and as chlorine (Cl2). It is yellow-green gas in the room temperature, its melting point at -101°C while the degree of assimilation is -34.6°C. It smells irritating and pungent like the smell of bleached detergents.
Chloride (Cl-) is found in the form of salts such as NaCl and KCl. It maintains the electrical balance in the nervous system and is involved in intracellular and extracellular transport. Chlorine (Cl2), on the other hand, exists only in the form of a diatomic molecule.
The human body contains chlorine in the form of chloride and rarely cause deficiency in this element in humans except in cases of vomiting and diarrhea, severe and persistent sweating and waste.
In healthy people, chloride is efficiently absorbed in the gut. Following absorption, chloride anions are freely transported in the blood, where their concentration is maintained within a narrow range. Renal excretion of chloride is coupled to that of sodium and potassium.
Chlorine is an essential for the human body as it works in collaboration with sodium. An average adult requires 200 mg of chlorine per day.
Chlorine is necessary for the manufacture of glandular hormone secretions. It also aids in the cleaning out body waste by helping the liver to function. A deficiency of chlorine will contribute to a sluggish liver and glandular and lymphatic swelling.
There is evidence that chloride can contribute to the effect of sodium chloride on blood pressure. Data from studies on hypertensive rats, and some clinical observations, suggest that the full expression of sodium chloride-dependent elevation in blood pressure relies on the concomitant presence of both sodium and chloride.
Element of chlorine
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