Iron deficiency is the result of long-term negative iron balance. Iron stores in the form of haemosiderin and ferritin are progressively diminished and no longer meet the needs of normal iron turnover.
Iron deficiency results from a combination of increased demand, decreased intake or absorption, and/or increased loss.
It may result from intestinal bleeding, a diet high in phosphorus, poor digestion, long term digestion illness, ulcers, prolonged used of antacids, excessive coffee or tea consumption and other causes.
Physiological iron deficiency occurs at times of increased in iron requirements in response to periods of growth and development including infancy, adolescent and pregnancy.
Other common cause such including chronic blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract, including occult blood, especially in male patients and elderly patients, may reveal the presence of benign lesions, angiodysplasia, or cancer.
Menstruating women may become iron deficiency, especially if they have heavy or prolonged periods and/or short menstrual cycles.
Blood loss such as that associated with schistosomiasis, hookworm infestation, haemorrhage in childbirth, and trauma, can also result in iron deficiency.
In some cases, a deficiency of vitamins B6 (pyridoxine) or vitamin B12 can be the underlying cause of anaemia. Strenuous exercise and heavy perspiration also deplete iron from the body.
Insufficient intake, resulting from poverty, malnutrition, diet (e.g., vegetarian, vegan, iron-poor) are susceptible to iron deficiency.
Common cause of iron deficiency
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