Only around 3% of the global iodine production is destined for human consumption. As an animal feed additive, iodine is only slightly more in demand, at 8%. In addition to nutrition products, iodine and iodine derivatives are used in a wide range of medical, agricultural, and industrial applications.
Commercial baked goods are another source of iodine when iodates are used in the commercial baking industry as dough conditioners. Iodate is a strong oxidizing agent acting on the free -SH groups of cysteine in the wheat protein chain. Due to cystine produced this way a 3-dimensional network of protein chains is formed. Iodate is the fastest of all oxidizers used to strengthen the structure of wheat dough.
Iodates were introduced in the US 40 years ago and in Tasmania, Australia, over 50 years ago, but now other dough conditioners are being used. Also, some commercial baked goods contain erythrosine, a common food coloring that contains iodine; however, the iodine from erythrosine is only partially bioavailable.
As of October 2009, Australian bakers are required to replace regular salt with iodized salt in the baking of bread. Prepackaged breads must list ‘iodized salt’ as an ingredient on product labels, however, unpackaged bread does not require such labeling. Bakers are required to provide information regarding the use of iodized salt to customers on request.
Uses of iodine in food industry
The Role of Gluten in Baking: Structure, Function, and Alternatives
Gluten is a vital component in flour, playing a key role in providing the
structure, texture, and elasticity essential for various baked goods. It