Selenium supplementation has been found to protect the liver in people with alcoholic cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is defined histological as the presence of fibrosis and regenerative nodules in the liver.
Early in course of alcoholic cirrhosis, the nodules are small (less than 3mm) and uniform in size (micronodular pattern), but with abstinence from alcohol and the passage of time, nodular regeneration becomes more vigorous, resulting in a macronodular pattern.
Selenium’s protective action on the liver was recognized in 1957 when it was discovered that liver damage was prevented in vitamin E-deficient rats to whom selenium has been administered.
Selenium also could protect liver against CCL4 toxicity as it prevented lipid peroxidation. It was helpful in maintaining intracellular levels of glutathione and the activity of glutathione peroxidase.
Selenium and protection of liver
The Role of Gluten in Baking: Structure, Function, and Alternatives
Gluten is a vital component in flour, playing a key role in providing the
structure, texture, and elasticity essential for various baked goods. It