Hypophosphatemia refers to serum phosphate concentrations of less than 2.5 mg/dl. Hypophosphatemia usually results from one or a combination of the following factors:
*Respiratory alkalosis – prolonged, intense hyperventilation can cause severe hypophosphatemia
*Increased excretion of phosphorus in the urine
*Decreased gastrointestinal absorption of phosphorus
*Translocation of phosphorus fr0om the extracellular to the intracellular space
*Forced nutrition of unnourished patients may lead to severe hypophosphatemia
Hypophosphatemia in malnourished patients is due to a combination of magnesium deficiency, vitamin D deficiency and malabsorption.
The characteristics of severe hypophosphatemia are apparent in many organ systems.
Signs and symptoms may develop acutely due to rapid decreases in phosphorus or gradually as the result of slow, chronic diseases in phosphorus.
Symptoms occur with phosphate values below 1.5 mg/dL and typically neurological _ paresthesias, tremor, conclusion, hyporeflexia, seizures, coma.
Structural and functional disturbances of skeletal muscle membrane and erythrocyte membrane can cause rhabdomyolysis and hemolysis, respectively.
Muscle weak is a common symptom. Other symptoms may include diplopia, malaise and anorexia.
Hypophosphatemia may also increase susceptibility to infection.
The Role of Gluten in Baking: Structure, Function, and Alternatives
Gluten is a vital component in flour, playing a key role in providing the
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