Since magnesium is present in most common foodstuff, low dietary intakes of magnesium are associated with general nutritional insufficiency.
Marked symptoms of magnesium deficiency appeared and the early symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include fatigue, anorexia, irritability, insomnia and muscle tremors or twitching.
Symptoms of a deficiency principally occurs in the nervous system, skeletal muscles, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
Symptom associated with the central nervous system often begin with apathy, apprehension, decreased learning ability, confusion, poor memory, depression, and reduced ability to concentrate.
Neuromuscular hyperirritability may be the most common presenting problem in magnesium depleted patients. Cardiac arrhythmias are a serious complication of magnesium depletion.
Symptoms associated with gastrointestinal tract: intestinal malabsorption, severe vomiting, diarrhea or other causes of intestinal loss.
Deficiency is more likely in those who eat processed food diet. Deficiency is also more common when magnesium absorption is decreased, such as after burns, serious injuries or surgery and in patients with diabetes, liver disease or malabsorption problems, and when magnesium elimination is increased as in people who use alcohol, caffeine or excess sugar.
Symptomatology of magnesium deficiency
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