What is food mineral?

Minerals are inorganic elements that originate in the earth and cannot be made in the body. They play important roles in various bodily functions and are necessary to sustain life and maintain optimal health, and thus are essential nutrients.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Potassium functions in Human Body

Potassium ions are found in a majority of the foods people eat. It is important ion for both plant and animals. Potassium is a mineral that serves a variety of purposes within the body.

It is also present as a chief cation in the intracellular fluid.

Despite its importance to so many of the body's functions and systems, most people do not consume the standard recommended daily levels of this essential mineral.

The human body uses potassium ions for many functions. Without potassium ions, people should simply not be able to remain alive.

Potassium aids in the maintenance of osmotic pressure and acid base balance in the cells-sodium and chloride located outside the cells, potassium inside the cells. Not only that but it also has a great part in regulating the blood pressure. It also helps to keep the heart thumping steadily and regularly and is also essential to the nervous system.

Potassium works to promote the proper functioning of the tissue that makes up the nervous system.

When an electrical impulse is sent though the nervous system, the potassium and sodium ions switch places. This allows the electrical impulse to travel where it needs to go. After this occurs, the cells need to ‘reset’.

It also serves to enhance muscle control plus the growth and health of cells particularly through its importance in waste product removal.

This mineral is also vital to the kidneys in their waste removal tasks.

Potassium is readily absorbed from the small intestine. Approximately 80-90% of ingested potassium is excreted in urine; the remainder is lost in faces.

Kidney maintain normal serum levels through their ability to filter, reabsorb and excrete potassium under the influence of aldosterone.

Potassium also plays an important role to mental function as well as to physical processes. It helps to promote efficient cognitive functioning by playing a significant role in getting oxygen to the brain.

Potassium is required in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, in the formation of glycogen and in the degradation of glucose. Investigations suggest that potassium is an activator of enzymes. It may play an important rile in the amino-acid uptake by the cell.
Potassium functions in Human Body

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