Halite is the mineral name for common salt – sodium chloride. Salt is essential for regulating bodily functions; the human body contains around 230g of salt.
Sodium is an unstable metallic element and chlorine is gaseous at normal temperatures.
Halite is also used as a food preservative, for seasoning and in agriculture e.g., salt licks for cattle, and in animal feed.
The 98 percent of the salt remains is basically pure sodium chloride, but many people feel that body responds differently to refined salt than of natural salts, probably because the trace minerals normally found in natural salt deposits are refined out of processed salt.
Nutritionally, the sodium in salt is vital to good health. Sodium regulates the fluids levels in the human body, and human could not survive without salt in their diet.
Salt is needed for nerve cell communication and processing information with brain cells. It strengthens bones, a osteoporosis is a result of salt an water shortage in the body.
Salt absorbed water. The circulation or distribution of water in the human organisms is due to the chemical action of the molecules of sodium chloride.
Humans do not actually need large amounts of sodium, and overconsumption can cause health problems.
Salt as a mineral
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