A highly mineralized body is a more resistant and anti-aging body. Minerals play an important role in the treatment of diabetes.
Most diabetics suffer from mineral deficiency beyond the depletion of minerals in the soil that effects everybody the depletion of minerals in the soil that affect everybody eating a non-supplemented diet, due to mineral loss through polyuria (excessive urination).
Minerals and trace minerals play key roles in metabolizing blood sugar. Eating food rich in these nutrients will help reduce the incidence of deficiencies and aid in blood sugar maintenance.
Chromium is a trace minerals that is part of the niacin-containing glucose tolerance factor (GTF). GTF works with insulin to make sure it is absorbed and used by cells so that glucose levels in the blood remain even. Study in China, at high levels (1,000 ug) chromium picolinate improved blood glucose, insulin and cholesterol levels in persons with type 2 diabetes.
While magnesium helps blood glucose cross-cell membranes and is part of enzymes involved in the body’s use of sugar.
Low intake of magnesium has been linked to a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes. In people with diabetes, low magnesium levels have been linked to a higher incidence of retinopathy and depression, as well as poorer blood sugar control.
Diabetes and minerals relationship
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