The most important mineral – Calcium
The total amount of calcium in the body is about 1,500 g. Because of the large amounts of calcium all over the body, it is one of the most important minerals.
It is abundant in the skeletons and in some body tissues.
Calcium is an essential nutrient because it is involved in the structure of the muscular system and controls essential processes like muscle contraction (locomotor system, heartbeat) blood clotting, activity of brain cells and cell growth.
Calcium deficiency causes serious disorders.
The desirable calcium intake (g/day) is stipulated as:
Birth to 6 months – 0.4
6 to 12 months – 0.6
1 to 5 years – 0.8
6 – 10 years - 0.8 to 1.2
11 to 24 years and pregnant women – 1.2 to 1.5
25 to 65 years – 1.0
Above 65 years – 1.5
The main source of calcium is milk and milk products, followed at a considerable distance by fruit and vegetable, cereal products, meat, fish and eggs.
An adequate supply of vitamin D is required for the absorption of calcium.
The most important mineral – Calcium
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