Main Elements: Sodium
The sodium content of the body is 1.4 kg. Sodium is present mostly as an extracellular constituent and maintains the osmotic pressure and maintains the osmotic pressure of the extracellular fluid.
In addition, it activates some enzymes, such as amylase.
Sodium absorption is rapids; it starts 3 – 6 min after intake and is completed within 3 h.
Daily intake of sodium averages 2.5 g (females) to 3.3 g (males); the adult’s minimum requirement ranges form 1.3 – 1.6 g/day (equal to 3.3 – 4.0 g/day NaCl).
The intake of too little or too much sodium can result in serious disorders.
From a nutritional standpoint, the daily sodium intake should be limited o 2.3 g (equivalent to 6 g NaCl).
A low intake of sodium can be achieved by a nonsalty diet or by using diet salt.
Main Elements: Sodium
Barley: A Nutritional Powerhouse and Sustainable Protein Source
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